Architectural Digest AD50 March 2017
Moira House, Goa featured in the AD 50 publication, March-April 2017

Chapel of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Mashem-Canacona

Simplicity an ornament like no other!
Published in the 'In Detail' magazine, July 2015

A Contemporary Contextualism
Published in IA&B (Indian Architect and Builder) March 2014 issue

Ecoloo: Experimenting with dry toilets in Goa
Published in My Livable City, Oct-Dec 2016. Read full article on environmentallywrite.com

pederstians and cyclists have rights too
Published in IIA Goa CIALP IV International Forum of Architects

IIA Goa Newsletter: Archi-Tech News

women in architecture: challenges of the 21st century
Published writings on Women in Architecture: Challenges of the 21st century

Dust to stone

Dust to stone
From dust to stone
Published in Building Giants: Material Matters. From dust to stone: A narrative of the experience designing and building a chapel in Mashem village, Canacona-Goa.

Published by the Goa Heritage Action Group in collaboration with the Corporation of the City of Panjim and the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) New Delhi. This book is a good resource as it documents roughly about 1000 heritage houses and sites in the different wards of Panjim- namely Ribandar, Portais, Mala, Fontainhas, Sao Tome, Campal, St Inez, Altinho, Caranzalem and Taleigao.