4th All India Stone Architectural Awards (AISAA) 2012

For excellence and creativity in the use of stone in a building, this case in particular was the Chapel of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour-Mashem, Canacona. Instituted by the Centre for Development of Stones (CDOS), Jaipur, this was its 4th edition and the awards were presented by the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Ashok Gehlot and the state Industries Minister, Rajendra Pareek at the India Stonemart 2013, Jaipur on the 31st of January 2013.
Here are the jury’s comments on the citation received: “Sensitive use of local laterite stone on a challenging site. The stone use draws on the natural laterite terrain and expresses the building contextually along with its surrounding.”
iGen 2013 Top 50 Young Designers that will shape India

At the iGen design forum in Mumbai, held on the 20th – 21st June 2013, honoured along with 49 others in the field of design as the top 50 young designers that will shape India! More about the forum here
Goan Achiever's Award for Environment 2013

An architect by profession but a green crusader at heart, Tallulah D'Silva has pioneered various citizen initiatives. A former consultant to the JNNURM Projects for Panaji City for Comprehensive mobility plan, Heritage Conservation, Urban Renewal and Basic Services to the Urban Poor. She co founded a green group called Mission Green Goa to sensitize people about urban environmental issues. She was instrumental in starting the Nirmalaya Campaign along with the Corporation of the City of Panjim. In 2012 she also started the NOMOZO (Non Motorized Zone) initiative under the aegis of Aamchi Panaji a citizens group, to create awareness about pedestrianization of the city core and how it helps in de-congesting the city. She was also city incharge of the Kids for Tigers Programme under Sanctuary Asia magazine creating awareness about the importance of conserving forests, its rivers and its wildlife including the tiger.
She received the award at the hands of India's famed Bollywood actor Nana Patekar.
Founding Curator of Global Shapers Panjim Hub, an initiative of the World Economic Forum 2014-16

Selected as the Founding Curator of the Global Shapers Panjim Hub, an initiative of the World Economic Forum. The Global Shapers Community is a network of Hubs developed and led by young people who are exceptional in their potential, their achievements and their drive to make a contribution to their communities. With 356 hubs across the world, shapers are effecting positive change in their communities as they work on hub projects tackling issues ranging from basic amenities, support to startups, garbage, awareness on various subjects to climate change. Participated in the Annual Curators Meet 2014 in Geneva-Switzerland
Ford Grant Recipient for Smart Mobility at SHAPE CHINA 2015

Selected to participate and lead a session on Ride-Sharing as part of the ‘Future of Mobility and Transportation’ session titled ‘ Changing the way the world moves’. The session was part of the Shape China 2015 event organized by the Beijing 2 and Dalian Hubs of the Global Shapers Community, a youth initiative of the World economic Forum. The session was ideated by Ford Motor Company that is doing some phenomenal work in many countries including India with a focus on sustainability and smart transport. It has initiated ‘Smart Mobility’ as a first step in its vision to create a smart transportation system. Check full report here
SPARK QUITO 2014 on Social Entrepreneurship in Ecuador-South America

Selected on a team of 12 Global Shapers from 10 different countries across the world to participate in a Social Entrepreneurship Workshop, SPARK QUITO 2014, with an opportunity to work with local enterprises with a focus on project ideas to promote urban farming, environmental education and local crafts.The event was organized in Quito, Ecuador-South America. Here are a few insights from my visit,Lessons from Quito-Equador.
Gandhi Change Award-Shape South Asia 2014

“Be the change you want see in the world”, said Mahatma Gandhi. And for some like the Global Shapers community this statement is more than just a quote; it serves as an inspiration for them. Recently, the Panaji hub of the community, which consists of 13 Goan members, did the state proud by winning third prize for the Gandhi Change Award for the best hub project positively impacting community across South Asia at SHAPE SOUTHASIA in Ahmedabad. Which of Gandhi’s principal do they follow and what inspires them personally “Being true to oneself and work constructively”, says Tallulah. But, it is not as easy as it sounds. She adds, “My biggest failure till date has been the complete lack of support from all quarters for the community work that I do. And why does this happen? Everybody wants to join in to do some good work, but the moment an individual’s interest is not entertained in the interest of the larger community a vocal majority begins to wall you in in such a calculated way that you begin to think that what you set out to do was perhaps not right! What is unethical becomes ethical and vice-versa. But the greatest learning has been to never fight back, convince, explain or debate, but to continue with the work you set out to do with transparency and that is what finally surfaces as the clear truth! Nothing has been more powerful than that.”
Goa’s first IGBC certified Green Building 2013

The Nivim-Aldona House is Goa’s first IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) certified Green Building. Read more about it on Times of India
AISAA 2016: Commendation award for use of stone in landscape, Moira House

Viya Moira House wins a commendation award, AISAA 2016 instituted by Center for Development of Stones (CDOS,Jaipur-India)
Moira House in Dedaldo Minosse International Prize 2017 Catalogue

Moira House gets featured in the Dedaldo Minosse International Prize 2017 Catalogue