Projects: Social
Bio remediation of Creek

This was a project under the aegis of the Taleigao Village Biodiversity Management Committee where key areas around the tail end of the St Inez Creek were mapped and identified to be taken up for bio remediation measures in an effort to clean the polluted Creek.

Ecoloo is a pollution free dry toilet facility for individuals and local community. The first pilot project has been implemented and successfully used by Prabhakar and family, in the village of Karmali/ Carambolim, Goa

Root zone treatment systems for grey water have been used traditionally and we are simply ptomoting the same by creating awareness, promoting use and implementation in individual homes, institutions, housing colonies and even large developments like hospitals

Pedestrianization in the city core has been a passion since 2008 and the implementation of NoMoZo (Non Motorized Zone) along the 18th June Road of the central business core of Panjim City as well as the Dayanand Bandodkar Marg along the river front still brings back memories of car free streets and citizen revelry and walking with freedom! These ideas have now been adopted in the current masterplan as well as the smart city plan for Panjim.