Initiation into Architecture

In a dialogue with Prof B V Doshi and Prof Neelkant Chayya at IPSA, Rajkot
Cultural Landscapes of Khazaans of Goa

I was invited by ISOLA to conduct a workshop on Khazaans of Goa. Besides the workshop, a couple of walks along the Khazaans were also planned on both the days of the 12th ISOLA Annual Conference 2017 in Goa.
Losing ground: Climate Vulnerability of Panjim City

An interview and reconnaissance of Panjim's vulnerability to climate change. This was part of a documentary by TERI titled 'Losing Ground' that maps out the climate vulnerability of two coastal cities in India- Panaji and Visakhapatnam, and builds a case for all coastal cities to start climate proofing their infrastructure and services without losing any more time.
NoMoZo (Non Motorized Zone)

I was invited by the Charles Correa Foundation to share my experience with the making of NoMoZo (Non Motorized Street) , an initiative to create awareness about car-free streets and how citizens of Panjim sparked the idea of pedestrianization!
public spaces for all

It was interesting and insightful to share my thoughts on ‘Public spaces for all’ at a forum of Institution of Engineers Goa State Center (India) .The session was designed to be interactive and we delved into key aspects: ‘What is public space?', 'How can public space be inclusive', 'How quality of public spaces impacts health and happiness!' Streets and public spaces have often been overlooked and undervalued, but are increasingly being considered the backbone of cities. Public spaces are places which are accessible and enjoyable by all without a profit motive and take on various spatial forms including parks, streets, sidewalks, markets and playgrounds.
imagine panjim 15th August 2013

“The future of Panjim will not emerge from national or international consultants and certainly not from people living outside. The future of Panjim must come from people who live inside, genuinely care and know this place everyday. All the talent and intelligence we need is right there. What we now need is a bit of confidence, less talk and more trial and error action!” The time has come, fellow citizens, where we as a collective, as people on the inside, as everyday Ponjekars prove our mettle and influence our city plan for the sake of its future that our children will inherit.
smart mobility: SHAPE China 2015

While architecture, without doubt, remains my first passion, urban transport and mobility are topics close to my heart and I was excited to be selected to lead a discussion on Ride-Sharing as part of the ‘Future of Mobility and Transportation’ session titled ‘ Changing the way the world moves’. The session was part of the Shape China 2015 event organized by the Beijing 2 and Dalian Hubs of the Global Shapers Community, a youth initiative of the World economic Forum. The session was ideated by Ford Motor Company that is doing some phenomenal work in many countries including India with a focus on sustainability and smart transport. It has initiated ‘Smart Mobility’ as a first step in its vision to create a smart transportation system. And the icing on the cake was when my name featured as one of the recipients of the Ford Shaper Grant besides the crucial involvement in the session!
Panjim and its khazaans: Climate resilience

It was a great learning experience to share Panjim and khazaans, its ecosystem benefits and the traditional climate resilience systems with participants like scholars, academicians, researchers and NGO's working in India and other parts of the world at the Peri-Urban National Conference 2016, New Delhi.
Women Techmakers: Woman Architect

The Google Developers Group (GDG) organized a Women Techmakers session with a focus on Woman Architect/ Architecture and I shared with young students and developers my tryst with architecture and first experiments with unconventional design, working with local labour, materials and alternative building technologies.